I’d Love to See Liposuction Results by Summer. Is it Possible?


Is your body bikini-ready? If not, hurry in. Get liposuction now and start enjoying your results by summer. Best of all, liposuction results are long-lasting. You’ll enjoy a better body through fall, winter, and beyond.

What Can Liposuction Do for Me?

Do you have stubborn fat? Many of our liposuction patients are close to their ideal weight, but struggling with localized fat pockets. These areas of stubborn fat are often diet and exercise-resistant. Liposuction can remove them, creating your ideal contours. It is not a weight loss method, however, nor is it a cure for obesity.

What Happens if I Gain Weight After Liposuction?

Liposuction removes unwanted fat cells in problem areas, but it doesn’t prevent you from gaining weight again in the future. If you want your liposuction results to last, you need to establish a good diet and exercise regimen and remain at a consistently healthy weight. You can still gain weight after liposuction.

Lipo Now … Healed by Summer?

Healing times can vary greatly depending on your body, the type of liposuction completed, and the amount of fat removed. Many patients see noticeable liposuction results after a month or two, but you should know that some swelling can remain for several months. If you have liposuction now you will probably enjoy your preliminary results by the end of summer, but you may not see the full effects until after summer. Recovery times are generally longer when more fat is removed. Since liposuction is long-lasting, you can use this procedure to jump-start your ideal body and maintain it for years to come.

A better body awaits, and sooner rather than later! Call today and schedule your consultation with Dr. Lee.